Tuition assistance for Saint Raphael School is provided from several different sources. The Saint Raphael School offers financial aid to students based on a proven need and available funding. Financial Aid forms are available in the school office. In order to complete a financial aid application the family must bring the completed forms accompanied by all pages of your most current Federal Income Tax Return (including all schedules). All financial aid must be applied for each year.
Please contact Vivian Sun at 415-454-4455 ext. 203 or if you need further assistance.
Families interested in receiving any financial assistance are required to finish the TADS application. The TADS application takes into consideration your income vs. your expenses.
Create a TADS Online Account and download TADS Worksheet, to serves as a guide.
Basic Fund is available to qualifying families with a student new to a private school. For the income guidelines for basic fund click below.
415 - 454 - 4455
1100 Fifth Avenue
San Rafael, CA, 94901